While the briny grit is great for melting ice and getting traction for cars (I do just fine with my studded tires on ice, thank you very much), it's making a mess of my bike, and the regular spot on the bike racks at work.
There are still a handful of daily bike commuters at my office, but I seem to be the first or second one in each morning, giving me my pick of the rack, so I pick the same spot each day. I noticed a while back that my spot was getting messier and messier, until it got to a point where I just had to take a photo of it.
Look at this photo and you can't miss the salt deposits, and even a large pool of rust left from my often neglected chain.
Needless to say, my bike is filthy. I need to clean it, but I just keep putting it off. It looks like a messy way to spend some time.
I have a very similar rust/salt/crud deposit where my bike hangs out at work. I'm uber lucky to bring it inside and into a back storage room where I keep all of my work clothes.
I brought Old Yeller inside after the last outdoor ride. 30 minutes later, I heard some sizzling sound beneath the bike - my basement floor paint was being actively oxidized with the salt brine dripping from the bike. I promptly cleaned up my bike and floor
Holy crap, Brady! Now I understand why my drivetrain got so rusty. That's crazy.
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