Saturday, August 23, 2008

About the Redd Shift Blog

First, while I wish I could take credit for the name, Redd Shift, I cannot. Brady over at the Wholesome, Steel-Cut Goodness blog came up with the idea. Brady blogs often about bicycle commuting issues and suggested that I use Redd Shift to explore the subject.

I put the idea off and used an existing blog at to write some bike commuting posts, but the more I thought about Redd Shift and just what it could mean, the more I thought I should just give it a try. Try as I might, I couldn't think of a better name, so I decided take Brady's suggestion and run with it. I will gradually copy the existing bike related content from the old blog to this one.

All you science nerds will recognize that a redshift occurs when an object moves away from an observer. Redshift is basically for light what the Doppler effect is for sound. Of course, I'm not saying I ride so fast that when I ride my bike I turn into a reddish streak when I pass by you. My name is Redd, and I do shift my gears. I'm also shifting my life around a bit by trying out sustainable transportation and moving away from the status quo of the total car culture, so all the words work together very nicely. Thanks, Brady.

The focus of this blog will be to explore bicycle commuting issues. While I exercise in the gym every now and again, I'm not a fitness guru. I've never ridden any bike races or long tours. Basically, I'm just a guy who started riding a bicycle to work to save a little on gas and parking expenses, practice a little sustainable living, and generally live a more active lifestyle. Riding a bicycle is also great fun, and when there's a meaningful destination, there's a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Please do understand that I am not anti-automobile. My family owns three cars, and we certainly use them often. But just like a handyman has many different kinds of tools in his toolbox, each for a specific job, I consider the bicycle one of many tools in my transportation toolbox.

So, dear reader, if I'm lucky, I will post some information of use to you. I invite you to share as well by commenting on the posts. I'd love to hear about your own bicycle commuting experiences.



P.S.: Thanks to Wikimedia Commons user Rogilbert for the excellent redshift image.

1 comment:

brady said...

Wow! That's quite a look right out of the gate.

Yes. There's going to be a lot of wholesome goodness over here. You can bet your bippy that I've already subscribed with google reader and am looking forward to reading about the redd-shift adventures.