The signs identify the trail at a couple of points, and other signs show upcoming curves and remind users that only non-motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail.
I believe that the only thing that remains is to finish the sidewalk path along the north side of Pacific Street from the Field Club Trail to Turner Boulevard.
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Read my previous blog entry on the Turner Boulevard Trail.
I read in the news that a 100 year old tree near 34th Street and Turner Boulevard had to be removed for safety reasons. I noticed a tree stump today near that intersection, but I'm not sure if it's the same tree. My guess is that we are going to see some landscaping in this half-block area just north of Leavenworth.
I wonder if the plan is to eventually create a bike lane on Harney St? That way someone could eventually ride from the Keystone over the new trail coming from Karen Park to the Field Club trail then Turner trail to down town. It would be kind of a long way to go with many twists and turns, but if someone wanted to get somewhere and not play in traffic, this would be a big help.
Oh, by the way, did you happen to ride the MAT bus yesterday (Wednesday) with your bike on the front? I was waiting at the intersection of Saddle Creek and Center when I saw a MAT bus with a bike on the front rack zooming by.
Hi Munson:
I got a sneak peek at the Bikeway plan from RDG and it looks like there will be on street bike lanes on Leavenworth starting at Park Ave. and heading downtown. Conversely, the bike lane will lead out of downtown along St. Mary to Park Ave. That's about 5 blocks east of the Turner Boulevard Trail.
I rode Farnam out of downtown to the Turner Boulevard Trail a couple of times this week and found its gentle grades with a flat area for breath-catching between them easy to ride, and generous 4-lanes going west, with an extra wide right lane was very comfortable and relaxed.
Looking at the plan, I think the idea is to make sure newly developed community spaces like Midtown Crossing at Turner Park are accessible by peds/bikes. It would seem natural to me to add bike lanes to the Harney/Farnam street pair to provide safe bike access from the Turner Boulevard Trail into downtown. But then again, I'm no urban planner.
I am sure this Omaha Bikeway plan will be talked about at the upcoming Omaha Bike Summit. I hope to see you there.
I did not ride the bus on Wednesday, so it wasn't me you saw. However, that is somewhat my neighborhood, so our paths may cross at some point while out shopping or running errands.
That sounds good. Leavenworth is a great road. I also like Farnam.
Hmm. The 18th could be a bike filled day for me. That Summit ends at 2:15, then the Bike Bash starts at 3:45pm at Mahoney State Park. If I rode to everything, I think I would be ded. We'll have to see what/how much I can do.
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