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Certainly all walkers, runners, and cyclists in and around Omaha know the Keystone Trail. A map of it on this blog is certainly not news. However, I'm a map geek and felt compelled to draft my own map with notations on where to get water and use the restroom. It's part of my plan to draw individual Google maps for all trails around Omaha as an online resource for myself and anyone else who cares to use it.
Running about 25 miles roughly north/south across the city, the Keystone Trail is one of the core bile trails in the city. With connections to the West Papio Tail, the Big Papio Trail, and eventually to the Field Club Trail, and running through many neighborhoods and the commercially dense 72nd and Dodge area, chances are high you can use the Keystone to get somewhere on your bike.
I've ridden from my house in central Omaha to the north end at Democracy Park several times (16 mile round trip), and finally this weekend I had the opportunity to ride from my house to the south end at Hayworth Park (42 mile round trip). Having seen the entire trail, I thought it was a good time to map it.
This sculpture shown below stands at the trail head at Hayworth Park in Bellevue. This sculpture is, in my opinion a monument to the prairie settlers' use of the ever present Nebraska wind, and also an illustration to what you can do with a sack full of zip ties. The inverted bike swivels to stay pointed into the wind. I'm sure the wheel spins 90% of the time.
I didn't see any Treks or Cannondales in the sculpture. Just a bunch of old department store bikes. I also didn't see a plaque of dedication or attribution. Does anyone know more about this?
I didn't see any Treks or Cannondales in the sculpture. Just a bunch of old department store bikes. I also didn't see a plaque of dedication or attribution. Does anyone know more about this?

Was that your first time over 40 miles on a single ride?
I don't know anything about that bicycle sculpture. In fact, I didn't know it existed as I've never been to the trailhead at Hayworth park. Thanks for the enlightenment!
Hi Brady:
Happy Birthday! You must be only a couple of weeks older than I. I plan to start holding steady at 39 next week. I think I can pull it off for a few years, at least.
Yes, that was the first time that I had ridden more than 20 miles at one time, and more than 30 in one day.
I did get off the saddle a couple of times for a water and cracker break, and at Hayworth Park to get a soda and use the facilities, so not sure if that counts.
The best part was when I got home and put the bike away, I felt like I wanted to go do it all over again!
Look out Wabash Trace!
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